The Sailors Ballad

Here is a little poem I wrote earlier today. I hope you enjoy it! =)

Tis said calm seas make not a sailor great,
But wind and storm, high gales and slate.
How can you exceed if not tried to your limit?
Great wisdom and potential lies beyond the summit.

Give up not on faith and hope
Hold on sailor, tie fast your rope.
Let God be your anchor through calm and storm.
He created and knew you before you were born.

Though comes still the wind, rain and hail
Know that there is light, fight and prevail!
Though you cannot see the break of day,
The Lord is with you He will stay.

Call Him ere here comes to your side
Stronger and mightier than the Oceans tide.
Galaxies and stars He knows them by name,
Do you think your Oceans He cannot tame?
~Lisa Hallahan

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