Top 10 Blog Posts of 2014!

Hello there, Beautiful!
It is the start of a new year, new goals, new friends, new days to begin and enjoy. As we look back on the year we have just experienced we are reminded of the times we were made stronger through hard days, the times we smiled and laughed so hard we couldn’t control ourselves, the times we loved deeply, and the times we cried ourselves to sleep. But we look ahead, hopeful and determined.
So here’s to you and your year! We at Young Keepers of the Home love you dearly and have devoted many hours into trying to encourage you in your walk with the Lord and journey in life. We will continue to do this with even more conviction this coming year. So looking back on 2014 we found that you were a big part of our lives! This ministry is blessed to have so many supporters and friends like you. Here is our year in review-thanks to you!
Top States Who Visited:
New York
Top Countries Who Visited:
United Kingdom
South Africa
And here are our Top 10 Blog Posts that you loved in 2014!
1. Prayers For Your Future Husband
2. Things Your Mother Should Have Told You
4. Purity, A Thing Of The Past
6. Godly Womanhood in the 21st Century
8. How to Handel Your Desire for a Boyfriend (Guest Post)
9. Bored, Single, & Still Living at Home
10. Shouldn’t Guys Be Modest Too?
I hope you enjoy reading over a few of these article and that they will bless you and whoever you share them with!
Thank you for being a part of our lives and supporting this ministry! We owe so much to you. You will be in our thoughts and prayers this year. Please don’t ever hesitate to Contact Us if you ever need to talk or have someone pray for you. We are here for ya! Happy New Year and God bless!
P.S. A new website and name is coming soon to this ministry and blog! Be on the look out for it this month! =)