To The Woman Who is Losing Heart

Have you felt like a weight has fallen over you? Are you stuck in a place in life where nothing seems to be changing? Where the same thing happens day in and day out and you’re not getting anywhere? Have you prayed and begged God for something and not seen an answer? Do you feel like you’re being held back but can’t put a finger on what it is that’s got a hold over you?
Maybe you are a mom with kids and a house that needs to be cleaned every single day, you feel unattractive because you don’t have time to take care of yourself while you care for your kids and your days feel monotonous and that your stuck in a never-ending cycle of dishes, laundry, kids arguments, cooking and cleaning.
Maybe you’re a young woman with no friends, in a new city and a new job and every night you go home alone. You long for fellowship and a purpose beyond just working your life away.
Maybe you are someone who is in a good place in life but you beg God to give you someone to love, to marry, to grow old with and to start a family with. But every time you go somewhere and you don’t meet “the one” you come home depressed, brokenhearted and feeling more alone than ever.
Maybe you’re newly married and you have a beautiful home but everyday your husband leaves for work you’re by yourself for the majority of the day, feeling alone with no kids, no family, no job and nothing left to do but clean and wait to cook dinner for your husband around dinner time.
You feel like you have no purpose, nothing to live for, nothing to do and no way to communicate this to anyone because from the outside, your life looks perfect. You don’t live in a third world country, hard pressed by persecution, starvation or a corrupt government. You should be happy by all accounts but you’re not.
I want to encourage you to NOT lose heart! Don’t let the devil have his way.
Don’t let him get you down. Jesus is on your side and daily He is fighting the Spiritual battle for your soul. He is waging war on your behalf. Are you showing up to the battle in faith and in confidence that you have seen the Lord move mountains and that He will do it for you again? Or are you sitting in the miry clay with no motivation because you feel stuck?
We have a promise that the Lord “who has begun a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the day of Jesus Christ…” Philippians 1:6
Since we have this promise we can be assured that God will not leave us where we feel like we’ve been lost. He will not let you stay stuck. He has big plans for your life and He invites you to know that there is a bigger picture than what you are seeing right now. This trial that you are facing, the loneliness, the depression, the monotony, they are nothing that is too big for Jesus to handle.
Even in your loneliness God is working. Jesus is in the depression, He is in your frustration and confusion.
Thank goodness that He is the Prince of Peace! Thank goodness that He is the Ultimate Comforter! He is your place of rest when you are weary of trying, He is your shield when the battle of depression is hitting you on all sides! He is there for you if you would only run to Him. Turn to Jesus in your time of desperation.
There is a calling on your life. Jesus has you here for a reason and He will not leave you. You can be confident in that.
“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.” 1 Thes. 5:23-24
I love this verse! It is such a beautiful promise and encouragement. First, we know and love the God of peace Himself and He will sanctify or set us apart. He makes our WHOLE body, soul and mind blameless, regardless of ANYTHING that we have done, past, present and future. And He that has called us, is faithful. He will accomplish all things for us.
Confidence is a hard thing to have in today’s world.
Being sure of who we are and what we are is almost inconceivable. How can we trust in anything that we aren’t sure of? How is it that we can make ourselves as beautiful as we possibly can and still feel inadequate? We don’t have 100% confidence in ourselves and that is scary. It contributes so much to how we feel during the day, what we think, what we watch, who we follow on Instagram and Facebook, ect.
When we don’t have confidence then of course we are stuck, of course we are lonely, scared, frustrated and confused. But why would we try to put confidence in ourselves? We aren’t perfect, we won’t always be successful in everything. We won’t always know just what to do. Our confidence comes from Christ and knowing who He is and who we are IN Him! We are nothing apart from Him.
There is a beautiful song by Elevation Worship that I just have to share part of it with you:
I thought by now they’d fall
But You have never failed me yet
Waiting for change to come
Knowing the battle’s won
For You have never failed me yet
Great is Your faithfulness, faithfulness
I’m still in Your hands
This is my confidence, You’ve never failed me yet
Your Word will come to pass
My heart will sing Your praise again
Jesus, You’re still enough
Keep me within Your love
My heart will sing Your praise again
And I believe, I’ll see You do it again
You made a way, where there was no way
And I believe, I’ll see You do it again
Our confidence is and always should be in Christ alone. In His faithfulness, there is confidence.
Great is His faithfulness to us. When we aren’t faithful to meet Jesus in the morning He is faithful to love us. When we choose sin over God’s Word, He is faithful to forgive us. When we are pushed and pulled by the pressures of the world Jesus is faithful to hold us close, to draw us in, to speak to us, to comfort, to pour out His peace over us, to listen to us, to cry with us, to carry us.
“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16
Jesus will help you in your time of need, Whatever it may be-He can move the mountains. He will be faithful. He will pull you through. Just trust Him. Find Him in His Word, even when you think He’s not there and not speaking, have faith. Keep seeking Him, keep trusting Him. He loves you.
What are some of your mountains?
Where have you seen God’s hand of deliverance in your life before?
Will you trust Him to do it again?
I would love to hear from you in the comment box below. God bless, dear friend.