What I Would Tell My Younger Self About Perfection

If you’re like me, growing up I heard the Gospel once or twice a week when I went to church-Wednesday nights for Awana and Sunday mornings. And if you’re like me, hearing the Gospel consisted of hearing, or watching through a felt board presentation, Jesus coming to Earth, dying for our sins, and rising again three days later. I knew it was a powerful truth that could save me if I put my faith and trust in Jesus. So, when I was seven, I did just that and declared my belief and faith in what Jesus did for me and the whole world. I knew I was going to Heaven because of John 3:16, but for me, it seemed too good to be true. All I had to do was simply have faith, and that would secure my Eternity?
Soon after my decision I would doubt my Salvation so much that I would pray that prayer over and over again to “make sure” I was still “good” with God. Oh, how I was wrong. You see, I knew what the news of the Gospel was and what I needed to do to get to Heaven, but what I didn’t grasp was the earth-shattering truth of the GRACE of the Gospel.
The very definition of grace is “undeserved favor”, meaning that I did and could do nothing to earn it. As I grew up and tried to form habits of reading the Bible and praying, they became so much of a burden rather than a joy because I was seeking to perform for God rather than know Him so I could make Him known.
I would soon learn that performing for God was so not the same as living out His purposes for my life.
Fortunately, God’s patience is limitless towards my confused heart and through lots and lots and LOTS of wrestling, tears, trials, and fears, He tenderly exposed my wrong thinking and I started to not just know but experience His grace that is sufficient for you and me. So, how do we rely on this amazing grace that we sing about every Sunday? Though at times I feel as though I have figured out this thing called life, that’s when I find myself desperately in need of the thing I need to understand the most, daily surrender to my Savior’s favor.
It almost seems too easy to accept God’s constant favor, but it is the most simple and most powerful truth that will ever be discovered.
It really is a carefree life when we cast all our cares upon the one who holds us in His hands. Anxiety, fear, or worry may come because we live in an unpredictable world, but for those of us who are hidden in Jesus, it is well with our souls.
The waves may be crashing, the fire burning, horizons of the unknown rising, but He lovingly reminds us in Isaiah 43, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by my name; you are Mine! When you pass through the waters I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you.”
Though we go through unimaginable pain and heartache here on Earth, our circumstances do not define us, because Jesus has destroyed all powers of evil that seek to distract and destroy us. From the first moment I prayed for God to save me, he was keeping me and using all that was before me for His glorious, good purposes.
If I could go back, I would tell my younger self to stop trying so hard. To stop masking the hurt she was feeling as she got older.
To stop feeling shame and guilt for the sins she gave into. To stop comparing herself and measuring her success. I would tell her to embrace her insecurities because she is unique. I would tell her to “Be still and know” that He is God. I would tell her to enjoy the journey. I would tell her to praise God through the pain of loneliness and disappointments. I would tell her that it all turns out for good in the end because it is ultimately about HIM. I would tell her that though it seems too good to be true, it is most definitely the safest truth. Most of all, I would tell her that no matter what she does, God couldn’t love her anymore or any less.
Because the truth is, God didn’t create us to strive after His love, because He already poured it all out from the Cross. And the truth is, from the first point I put my faith and trust in Jesus, I was covered. Covered by love, mercy and grace.
Colossians 3:3 says, “For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”
When Jesus’ heart stopped, His breathing ceased, and the Earth quaked, that’s when my darkened heart became awake, safe, and secure.
Completely hidden, yet totally exposed to the glory of His grace that changes me day by day, even moment by moment. No more trying, no more striving, just thriving in the privilege it is to know Him, experience His promises, declare unwavering trust in Him, and tell others what He has done for me, and all of us. For this is the purpose for which we were all created.
And this is why reminding ourselves of the truth of the Gospel everyday is so vitally important. It reminds us that Jesus did everything we couldn’t do. He received and accepted us. He drank the cup of God’s wrath that was ours to gulp. He rose again so we could be new creations, not striving imitations of the world around us. Out of His good pleasure He makes all those who trust in Him His own. So no, we don’t have to keep working ourselves into the ground to experience His love and purpose for our lives. It goes something like this- and trust me, I’m not one bit an expert at this- one step of faith after the other, one day at a time…
Nothing more, nothing less.
He’s got you, friends.
Dina Paoloni is a 21-year old Ohioan who loves Jesus, coffee, her very handsome boyfriend, movie nights, ice cream, and dreams of traveling the World doing missions, oh and living by the ocean one day! Dina is the youngest of four girls and is the proud Aunt of three adorable nephews and one princess niece! Life for Dina has been as unpredictable as the next person’s, but she has learned that through the ups and downs of life, God’s word is constant and God’s grace is sufficient, always. Dina is passionate about using writing as an avenue to encourage others with what God has kindly taught her and prays that He will use her as a vessel to share the treasures of His word with others!